How to Get More Free Time and Energy for Learning Something New

One of the main reasons why many people abandon the idea of learning programming is the lack of time and energy for it. Indeed, if you want to learn to code, you’ve got to spend quite a bit of time on it, along with the according amount of your energy.

And since we all have our day already busy with many different kinds of activities, useful or not quite, it’s no surprise that it might be difficult to add to them such a huge additional learning load. Continue reading >> “How to Get More Free Time and Energy for Learning Something New”

5 Qualities You Need to Be a Computer Programmer

People often ask: “What do I need to be a computer programmer?” Usually in such a situation they expect to get a step-by-step programming learning plan. But there’s also another answer to this important question, which you’ll find in this article.

If you’re thinking about becoming a professional software developer, check out the following list of five qualities that will help you succeed in this profession. Continue reading >> “5 Qualities You Need to Be a Computer Programmer”

Logic and Structure of Your Code Will Get Better with Time

So, your code must look tidy, and, thankfully, writing such code is quite easy to master, it won’t be an issue. The real struggle is to write code which not only looks visually nice, but is also eloquent and elegant in its structure and logic.

The good news is you needn’t write such code right away. Feel free to start with the one with pretty “ugly” logic and structure, as almost everyone does.

There are two common problems beginner programmers stuck on. The first one — how to build the logic of your program: where you should start, what follows next, etc. Continue reading >> “Logic and Structure of Your Code Will Get Better with Time”

Your Code Must Look Tidy from Day One

If you’ve only started learning programming, you have to spend a substantial amount of time improving your knowledge and skills before you’re able to write quality code on the level of an experienced programmer.

But there is one thing in programming which you can do as easily as any senior software developer. You can make your code tidy and professionally looking even if it’s the first day of your programming education. Continue reading >> “Your Code Must Look Tidy from Day One”

How to Learn Programming with Other People’s Code

If you want to become a writer, it’s not enough to simply know grammar. You also have to read a lot of quality books that will show you how this grammar is used in practice to create brilliant eloquent texts.

Similarly, if you want to be a good programmer, it’s not enough to simply learn some programming language and tools. You should also read quality code of programs written by other programmers. Continue reading >> “How to Learn Programming with Other People’s Code”

How to Learn Programming with Official Documentation or Manuals

Probably, the most underrated and unused by beginner programmers yet one of the most important and useful source of knowledge in programming are official manuals, also known as official documentation, for programming languages and tools.

Maybe, this is because the words “official documentation” sound so boring, or because of the tedious and meticulous language these texts are often written in. Continue reading >> “How to Learn Programming with Official Documentation or Manuals”

5 Main Stages of Learning Programming

Many people get excited about the idea of learning programming when they discover the possibilities programming gives everyone who’s able to grasp its rules and principles.

But often this excitement flies away when it becomes clear that the path to the point when you can confidently say that you know how to code anything you want might be quite long and convoluted. In order to avoid such a disappointment, you have to learn programming the right way. Continue reading >> “5 Main Stages of Learning Programming”

How to Learn Programming 2x Faster with the Pomodoro Technique

Now that you know for how many hours per day it’s usually possible to learn programming, let’s talk about how to use these hours in order to make your learning process as fruitful and quick as possible.

The solution is to use the popular time management method called the Pomodoro Technique. It’s very simple: you work for 25 minutes, and then you have a 5-minute break. As a result, all your learning or working time is divided into such 30-minute blocks. Continue reading >> “How to Learn Programming 2x Faster with the Pomodoro Technique”

Why to Learn Programming on Your Own

There are two types of people: those who like learning everything on their own and those who prefer to acquire new knowledge and skills with the help of special institutions — schools, colleges, universities.

Also, there are two types of knowledge and skills: those that can be acquired on your own and those that cannot. For example, you can learn literature at home by yourself, but you have no other options than going to university if you want to be a surgeon. Continue reading >> “Why to Learn Programming on Your Own”